About Me

I guess this is where I get to say hello, and thank you for taking the time to pop by. I’m not entirely sure if this will ever actually be read by anyone other than my daughters and possibly the few good friends willing to humour me, but that’s absolutely ok. If nothing else I hope it acts as a journal for my ramblings and a place to save my favourite pictures, memories and occasional useful bits of info.

My name is Jen, and my current home is in the glorious Scottish Borders, which is apparently mainly populated by walkers, cyclists (a LOT of cyclists….including me) and slightly eccentric ‘artsy’ folk. Oh, and farmers. Quite a lot of them too.

My decision to move here was driven by my love of beauty, peace and dark skies. Also divorce, but that’s a whole other story, and one which needs no further mention other than to say it has turned out to be the most liberating experience ever, and if you’ve never tried it, but are currently sitting on the fence – go for it! (Obviously, if you’re in the 1:3 who is gloriously happy, I salute you and I’m very happy for you.)

One weekend I drove to the Borders to go on a solo 14 mile walk, followed by a stay in an Air BnB. I loved every second of it, from the beautiful countryside to the slightly bizarre local accent which is impossible to impersonate. The area had entranced me, and driving back from my walk I suddenly had a lightbulb moment – ‘there’s nothing to stop you moving wherever you want now’! So I did. No regrets.

It’s a bit like my journey to veganism. I’d been vegetarian since I was 15yrs old, and then had a brief dalliance with chicken and tuna for a year or two, which still doesn’t make sense to me, and will always be a regret. However, back on the veggie train I went, and the family happily ate what I cooked. Oldest daughter was veggie through choice, youngest daughter ate meat.

December 2017, and my youngest daughter ‘T’ announced she would be doing Veganuary to support her vegan boyfriend. At that time she was living at home, just started her university journey, and I decided I’d help her by also going vegan for the month (secretly thinking at least I’ll be able to cook for both of them). I had absolutely no intention whatsoever of sticking to veganism. I was a massive cheese lover (I can hear the collective sighs of a thousand vegans while I type) and I embarked on the journey purely to support my girl.

However……as part of the process we went to some vegan fairs, read vegan literature and attended vegan meets. We watched videos together, we cried together, we helped each other with recipe swaps and ways to deal with what we were missing. And by the end of January we knew we’d never go back.

The universe has a way of guiding us where we need to be, geographically and morally. Let it lead you.

Other than veganism, I am passionate about travel. Which messes with my head monumentally as I am also passionate about the environment. Until I can spare a few months to travel the world ‘old school’ I’ll be relying on planes. Sad times. But I’ve been fortunate enough to visit some really wonderful places, and I plan to share some of those stories on here too.

So, that’s me. If you’ve got as far as this, you’re a star. Go read some recipes, cook some food, visit some places, and above all else enjoy every single second we have on this little planet.